Saturday, December 20, 2008

And Then....There Were Lights!

We finally have a wreath up, on the outside of our house!!  The Christmas season is slowly seeping in... about time, the days are running out.  Now we have to find a tree for the inside tomorrow, seems to be a hard job for us this season for some reason. I should think about baking cookies...
big balsam wreath, heavily decked out in lights


Anonymous said...

How beautiful and homey and welcoming Five!


Anonymous said...

beautiful, beautiful wreath. your picture reminds me of a favourite christmas card. and, btw - you are not alone in your late preparations and getting into the spirit. lol there seem to be a lot of us this year. it all comes together, though.

Nathalie said...

I love it Pegg! Gorgeous! And it's never too late :)

cserdan said...

love your wreath! very festive.