Saturday, June 22, 2013

Happy Summer

I haven't been around much.
 Two cats have been keeping me busy, busier than I imagined.
I have also been in the birch bush, then in the gardens. I am not finished with the gardens just yet. Still edging my neighbours garden, and will plant some sunflowers that I started in flats, over there. I will plant them here too, as well as the pole beans I also started in flats. They usually getting eaten off by creatures if I plant them directly into the garden.
In February I joined our local biggest loser group hosted by our medical clinic. I am happy to say at our last weigh in for the summer that I am down 11.7 pounds, I have lost 6.3% of my body weight!! Whee, I was very happy and excited yesterday when I got on the scale. I haven't lost any weight in the past month, but I haven't gained any either, so I am maintaining. I must get back on my weight loss band wagon, I still want to lose 15 or so pounds. I did 13 days of green juicing but was stopped short by a family tragedy. I would like to start juicing again, I felt really good while doing it.
Our lilacs are just starting to come out in full bloom as well os our ornamental crab apple tree. It is finally starting to feel like summer.
I will try hard to post more regularly..
Enjoy the summer!