Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Left Knee

On Halloween night I had a scheduled follow up appointment with the surgeon who operated on my right knee in July. Two weeks earlier I hurt my left knee at my physio appointment. My family doctor sent a note to the surgeon to examine my left knee. Turns out, I torn the meniscus in it to. Lucky for me, the surgeon had a cancellation here in Terrace and fit me in. I had surgery last Tuesday.
I am still hobbling about, still housebound, actually still trapped on the main floor of our house, I am not yet doing stairs. This is the first day I actually feel human again. Yay my knee is healing!!!
Dr. Porter did say that the injuries in both knees were from degeneration and I do have a bigger issue, arthritis in both knees. I will never walk for fitness again, and will only go for short strolls. What a dismal thing to say, truly I am not that old, only at midlife. I will have to figure this out once my knee heals. I will deal with the arthritis and find a way that I can get some exercise.
Life does go on!


  1. Oh, dear Peg,

    I'm sorry to hear about your knee woes, and glad to hear that you're feeling better today. I wish you well and know that your indomitable spirit will urge you into something that will work for you. I hope you find some beauty in today and have a moment to savor it.

  2. Thanks Marnie!
    Isn't this weather fabulous, what a gorgeous fall we are having!!
    I did manage to go and sit on my back step twice yesterday to enjoy it!

  3. Ack, Pegg--injured it at your physio appointment?! Yikes. I'm glad the surgery is over and went well. Hope you're all healed soon.
