Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Inland Hurricane- Superior Style

We are experiencing an inland hurricane, or so the weather channel called it, category 3 hurricane. The wind is howling, the rain pelting, it was hard standing on the beach this aft.

main beach, Lake Superior, Terrace Bay

pump house beach, Terrace Bay
this driftwood is up on the beach, where people sit in the summer

looking east

Miss Bean, free - no leash

the waves are spectacular, hard to capture their size with my camera

grey grey day, but the colour of the water was so pretty
aqua green

taken from up above at the pump house

the waves at the next beach over looked huge,
they were hitting directly over there.


  1. I love these photos, love this kind of weather! In small doses :-)

  2. Wow, those waves give me shivers. I hope everyone is safe and warm inside!
