Saturday, February 13, 2010

The 2010 Handmade Olympics

Earlier this week I was notified by the amazing, sweet and very energetic, rikrak, that one of my rugs had been shortlisted in her Handmade Olympics! My fabulous friend emmarts had very kindly, nominated the rug earlier this year.
I am so excited, and have become very competitive, but sadly I have run out of relatives and friends to ask to vote for me. The voting ends this coming Wednesday.
If you have not already voted, you may do so here! Please vote in all 8 events to show your support for all the very talented artisans nominated!


  1. i'm sorry to hear that there have been some mean spirited comments appearing here by others.

    it is certainly not in the spirit of the handmade olympics to be mean toward others.

    each computer can only vote once in each event, as designed by the polling site. i feel STRONGLY that accusations of cheating are entirely unfounded.

    if folks have concerns, please contact me, rikrak, about it directly.

    it saddens me greatly to see folks being mean, and especially anonymously.

    thanks in advance.
    k. @ rikrak

  2. Best of luck fiveforty! You truly deserve to win!!!

    Boo to all the spammers!!!!!

  3. I think that Fiveforty's beautiful work speaks for itself.
