Sunday, October 11, 2009

Seven Days on the Island

We traveled a week ago to Manitoulin Island to Mark's families summer cottage, for our much delayed summer vacation, in October. It was nice to be there with my mom and Marks mom, together. Here is a brief photo journal of our week away!

sunrise over strawberry channel

the start of a twig chair



jordie & carl

strawberry channel

mark & megan

my megan

megan, jordie and carl traveled to the island for the weekend,
long journey

mcleans mountain

i love mcleans mountain,
it's a favourite spot to visit

mcleans mountain lookout

view from the mountain

view from the mountain, you can see mark's uncles farm down below

megan & her holga

jordie, carl & mark

low island

old ruins

old mill

low island

dock at camp looking out at strawberry island

strawberry channel


mark thinking he could swim in october

garden at the farm

old well cover, 1946, initialed by marks dad and uncle

wood to keep jay warm for the winter

maple on the farm


the three bears house, sugar shack

kinoje was obsessed with coming into camp, he didn't make it in
but he watched us constantly

dog walk on goat island, coal dock side

little current

cows in the field

queens of the castle
rumour is they are mean girls..

another sunrise at camp

looking out at the coal dock

downtown looking at the swing bridge

dock, downtown little current

mark cut down at dead tree at camp

camp saw was too small for the job but it got done

gorgeous leaves on our way home

maple leaves...


  1. Thanks for sharing your vacation five. Looks like a lovely place to be!

  2. Beautiful photos, Pegg--I love the moody skies this time of year, especially when contrasted with vivid foliage.

    Your photos, unsurprisingly, remind me very much of our travels to northern Michigan. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Fantastic photos, Pegg. I love the photo of the maple on the farm. So serene.

  5. Awesome pics Pegg--thanks for sharing them with all of us

  6. Looks like you had a beautiful week! How long did the October swim last?! oh my!

  7. Fantastic photos Pegg! Nice of you to let us 'visit' your vacation time.
