Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

in the dark


I am behind schedule this week. I was in the city for most of the week, I had planned to be there for a couple of days but we had a dog emergency. Kinoje bloated, Mark made a quick trip at 4 in the morning. My brother and I met him there and we assisted the vet in putting a tube down the dogs throat to release the gas. Lucky for us and Kinoje it worked. He had bloated seven years ago and had the belt buckle thing done to his stomach so it could no longer twist. I must say when I walked into the clinic I did not recognize him as he bloated so largely. As his hair was standing on end he was stretched to the max. The vets had never seen so large of a bloat. Thank heavens he survived again.

I normally carve my pumpkin a few days before Halloween but I did it very quickly this morning. I am pleased with it mostly. I wish I know how to make the nose protrude more, I guess it would mean cutting back the rest of the face. Next year!

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

North Shore Artists

I am pleased and honoured to have been invited to join the new group North Shore Artists. We had out first show/sale in Marathon this past weeks end.
It was a fun weekend getting to know everyone, I think we are a fabulous collection of individuals! It is a very talented group and I am thankful to be invited in since I am not a painter.

theresa, paul, laura, rita, doug, ellie, pegg, sharon, bill

Thank you to Laura for the use of her photos!

Wedding Jewelry

In the early spring,
one of my necklaces
and it's matching earrings
were purchased,
for a bride to wear
for her autumn wedding.
The wedding took place
a few weeks ago,
and the brides mother
kindly sent me a photo
of the bride and groom.
She looked lovely!
(her jewelry looked lovely too!)
Thank you Maureen and Jayne!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Old-Style Potatoes

These potatoes are delicious and are the perfect accompaniment to Chicken in Green Sauce. I hope you enjoy both recipes!

Old-Style Potatoes

1-lb. potatoes, 4 medium, peeled
2 cups water
1/2 tsp. salt, or to taste
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped tomato
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1/2 to 1 tsp. fresh or dry hot chile pepper, or to taste
2 tbsp. oil
2 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese

1. Cook the potatoes in the water with the salt until soft but still firm. Drain and mash them for country style potatoes, do not puree them.
2. Fry the onion, tomato, black pepper and chile in the oil in a skillet over moderate heat for 3 minutes. Add the potatoes and mix well. Fry for 5 minutes more.
3. Serve warm and sprinkle with the cheese.
Serve warm with the Chicken in Green Sauce. Serves 4.

Chicken in Green Sauce

This is an old favourite recipe using green tomatoes, end of summer autumn recipe! It is delicious, and easy to prepare!

Chicken in Green Sauce

3-lbs. boneless chicken breasts (or whole chicken cut up into serving pieces)
1 small onion, quartered
1 tsp. salt, or to taste
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup sliced green tops from onions
1 large green tomato, sliced
2 cloves garlic, sliced
2 tsp. flour
1 tsp. hot green chile slices or to taste

1. Cook the chicken, onion, and salt in 1-cup water in a saucepan over moderate heat for 30 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, process the green onions, tomatoes, garlic, flour and chile into a smooth paste with 1/2-cup water.
3. Add the green sauce to the chicken and continue to cook over moderate to low heat for 20 minutes. Serve warm.
Serve warm with Old – Style Potatoes.

I Finished Weaving a Rug Today

I had the textile for this rug cut waiting on my loom room floor for almost a month, I finally get back to it yesterday. Funny how I now love superwash merino wool sweaters, after my strong dislike of them for so many years. I love the way the textile curls up like a t-shirt when it is cut in strips.
I love the dark muted colours in this rug, the earthy browns and greens.

handwoven superwash wool rag rug

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Customer Appreciation Photo!!

I love receiving photos from customers of my rugs in their new homes! Thank you to Emily and Jason for this gorgeous photo. The rug looks very much at home in it's new home!
felted wool sweater rug
in it's new home!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thanksgiving Snow

My raven friends were hungry on Sunday after our little snow fall. Raven etiquette, the male always eats first, and the female gets what ever is leftover. If he eats everything, which he usually does I will sneak out and give her a little more of our dogs kibble. Just feeding the birds...

jo & flo

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Love Heart

Mark spent the afternoon digging
potatoes in the garden.
He came to the door with his hand
behind his back
and told me to hold out my hand.
I know it is a potato
but it did have some "aw" factor to it.
A potato heart!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Seven Days on the Island

We traveled a week ago to Manitoulin Island to Mark's families summer cottage, for our much delayed summer vacation, in October. It was nice to be there with my mom and Marks mom, together. Here is a brief photo journal of our week away!

sunrise over strawberry channel

the start of a twig chair



jordie & carl

strawberry channel

mark & megan

my megan

megan, jordie and carl traveled to the island for the weekend,
long journey

mcleans mountain

i love mcleans mountain,
it's a favourite spot to visit

mcleans mountain lookout

view from the mountain

view from the mountain, you can see mark's uncles farm down below

megan & her holga

jordie, carl & mark

low island

old ruins

old mill

low island

dock at camp looking out at strawberry island

strawberry channel


mark thinking he could swim in october

garden at the farm

old well cover, 1946, initialed by marks dad and uncle

wood to keep jay warm for the winter

maple on the farm


the three bears house, sugar shack

kinoje was obsessed with coming into camp, he didn't make it in
but he watched us constantly

dog walk on goat island, coal dock side

little current

cows in the field

queens of the castle
rumour is they are mean girls..

another sunrise at camp

looking out at the coal dock

downtown looking at the swing bridge

dock, downtown little current

mark cut down at dead tree at camp

camp saw was too small for the job but it got done

gorgeous leaves on our way home

maple leaves...