Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Summer of My Discontent

I have neglected my blog this past summer, I was too miserable, upset, cranky....
Mark and I live with my mom in the house I grew up in. My family moved here when I was in high school. We have enjoyed a view of Lake Superior and the Slate Islands, until this summer. The hospital is building a new long term care wing, it will take our view from us. Never mind the chaos of having major construction in your back yard, but this loss of view has devastated me.
This wing could have been built in a different place or in a different way. I live on Lakeview Drive, my family paid for this view..the hospital is being a bad neighbour.
I am not a happy camper, and my little world has changed.. is this progress? I am not so sure.. my bubble has been burst. I am not sure I want to live here any more, with a building so close to our yard. At the moment we do not have another option. Yes eventually I will get used to it, but for now I am upset.
the view from my backyard..


  1. Pegg, progress is often a sad reminder that many things change.

    I love the picture though it shows the emotion you must be feeling, that beautiful path leading to the
    "new", yet spoiling the old.

  2. progress in one area often leads to regress in another. i understand your feelings completely, pegg. the hospital building will take away the serenity you feel when gazing out at lake superior. i hope a silver lining materializes along the way for you and your family.

  3. Pegg, you have had a summer of much change. You have every right to be cranky and even a bit ticked.

  4. Ah, Pegg--I feel your pain. We live on a lake, too. A much smaller lake. We've been here 11 years, and over that time, our view of the lake has been gradually obscured by our next door neighbor's line of trees. Andy has offered to trim them for him, to his specifications, and he flat refuses. (He's a crank who has been in feuds with everyone in our neighborhood.) We can still peep the lake through a small space, and we're lucky enough not to have a hospital going up next door. And it's not the home I grew up in. But still, I understand what you're going through. xo

  5. That sucks, Pegg. I'd be cranky too. :(

  6. What a beautiful place we could create if everyone could look around and consider everyone in the picture, I am sorry the long term care center was not a good neighbor. Hopefully something good will come of this. If nothing else we know that gazing at beauty nourishes. I hope things look up for you soon.

  7. I would feel the same way. That landscape will now be forever changed. So sorry to hear this!

  8. Oh, Pegg. It is closer than I had imagined. I can understand your sense of loss at losing the view.

  9. Sorry to hear about this painful change for you. It's amazing how our environment can influence our sense of well-being. I hope you will still be able to see the beauty in other things around you while you deal with this.
