Sunday, April 19, 2009

Experimenting with an Egg

I love oxidized metal, but do not like toxic chemicals. I had heard.. read that you can oxidize with boiled eggs, so I thought I would give it a whirl. I found a couple of pairs of earrings that I had not sealed in a ziplock bag so they had started to oxidize on their own. I used them in my experiment. This was one crushed boiled egg in a sealed container for a couple of hours... I am not really impressed. Yes the silver has oxidized but not enough and not evenly. Maybe two eggs and a longer wait time. I am impatient... maybe I didn't wait long enough.




for some reason the sterling chain did not oxidize as much as the ear wires
I will keep playing with it..


  1. Its an interesting experiment. The earrings are also very pretty, in both states.

  2. thanks Carol!

    I will keep playing with it, I would like the silver darker... and I don't really want to use liver of sulphur.
