Monday, February 2, 2009

Winter Robins

Years ago in the winter, a neighbour called to say that a tree behind her house was full of robins. For a moment we didn't believe her but it was true. Robins were this far north in the middle of winter. Now we watch for them in January and February. They have been eating the mountain ash berries. My photos are not clear, I took them through our screened windows, but you can see that yes it is a robin.

a robin eating mountain ash berries


  1. we don't have as many robins here in the last few years. i'm so glad to see where they have gone. nice fat ones, too. your're taking such good care of them!

  2. Who said groundhogs have the say!!!

    Those robin's definitely look like they expect spring in about 2 weeks..:)

  3. how great is that five. made me smile to see those sweet little birds
