Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!!

It is my birthday today! I do love my birthdays, they are a celebration of me!
I woke this morning early, to see a lake freighter passing by, all lit up like a Christmas tree, so pretty. What a treat! What a fantastic start to my day!
I had a leisurely morning, coffee and chatting to the ladies on the Canadian Etsy thread! Nice!
During a long hot soak in the tub, a cake recipe finally came to me.. chocolate sponge cake, with lemon cream and fresh raspberries. I topped it off with chocolate buttercream. It took me most of the afternoon to make the cake, big and yummy!!
Chatted on the phone to some family and friends, and then cooked dinner. We had wasabi baked rainbow trout, balsamic roasted red onion sliced thickly, and mashed potato cakes. Everything was fabulous!! Hmmm yum! I had the cake chilling out in the front porch, maybe too cold, the icing which was a little wonky to start with got a little too hard so it cracked when I cut it. I might use a softer buttercream recipe next time. I combined a few recipes to come up with this recipe. Maybe at some point I will post the recipe, I do not even have any photos.
It was a wonderful day!


  1. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday happy birthdaaaayyyyyy..."

    (me, singing :D)

  2. OHHHH! I've been sick and forgot that your birthay was coming!

    Happy Birthday! Much Love, and let the boys fish, you stay inside and be warm! Wish I could be there with you, the snow looks beautiful, but cold... let's meet in Flordia.

  3. wow!
    Absolutely a beautiful sounding day ♥
