Monday, November 3, 2008

Cranky Day

I am feeling a little off my game today. I think all the sadness this year has brought finally caught up with me. Of course the mill closing this week doesn't help things much, uncertainty... doesn't sit well with me at the moment.
I will adjust and get back on track.

I listed this beauty today, pale blue prettiness.

flowers of the coppery sea

silver swirls of blue

I listed these blown glass earrings yesterday. I am still loving the delicate hollow beads!

Two rustic apple tarts in the oven, I am sitting here wondering if Thomas will be home tonight.. we'll see....

1 comment:

  1. (((MAJOR HUGS)))Pegg, I'm sorry that you are seeming to be walking in Job's(jobe's) shoes lately. Mill closing? I am not sure what mill and how it affects you, but it sounds like another sad event for you. Things have to turn around for you.(((MAJOR HUGS))) from ~ Paula p.s. I hope my lil package arrives with some sunshine for you!
