Sunday, June 15, 2008

Photo Backdrops??

Earlier this week, someone messaged me on Etsy, about how dark my photos are. It devastated me. I thought that my colour was perfect, well on my monitor it is. That is one thing we tend to forget, how our photos look on all monitors...
I do like taking photos of my jewelry on wood best. My jewelry is not girly girly, I like to think of it as natural feminine. To me the wood showed that. This week I have been trying out different backdrops, using plain tablecloths, of pale neutral colours. It worked, i do know I had tried a couple of weeks ago to take photos of a series of earrings I had just made. I could not get the colour right on any of them on the wood. The colour came out right, using the cloths. 
Today I was searching for something.. something that would make me feel happier about my photos. I came across a collection of my late Gram's cookbooks, and some handwritten recipes, voila!! Perfect, I can combine my craft with my love of cooking...

My newest earrings, displayed on my Grams' pastry recipe!! My Grandparents used to run a restaurant many many years ago, so this is special to me.


  1. Hi Pegg! This may be coming a little late in response to your so called dark photos. You are correct that other´s monitors have to be taken into consideration, but those who find your photos too dark need to think about a problem they may be having with their own monitor settings and not direct the blame at you. I personally find your photos to be perfect. So to me is why try to fix something that is not broken. I adore your creativity.
