Monday, May 12, 2008

Recycled Basket Weaving Workshop

I taught a basket weaving workshop with children for the first time in many many years, today. I will admit I really over prepared, I spent too many hours working on prep for it. So, when the day was done, I felt let down. It was however a big success. It is just my sensitive artist self showing its face. We used cardboard strips for the reed, and recycled shrink wrap for the weavers.




Because of children's privacy laws, I was only allowed to take photos of their working hands. Their working hands say it all anyway, they were busy, and for the most part they enjoyed themselves. The photos are just a few examples of the beautiful baskets the children wove.


  1. Very cool creations!!! Well done! It sure looks like the kids were quite happy working on their creations and they learned new skills - there's nothing better than that!

  2. Wow, I wish there was someone like you around my parts so my daughter could do something like this! I can understand the anti-climatic feeling, but this is something these kids are going to remember for ages :)

  3. Wonderful pictures! Busy hands indeed they must have had a wonderful time! congrats to a successful workshop♥

  4. how neat.Bet they enjoyed it.I can relate to being over prepared for a class..
