Friday, April 4, 2008

A Very Long Week

I have been writing a step by step article on my felted wool rugs, for Craft magazine. I have never done anything like this before, so I did not know to make copies of my photos and save high quality copies. I sent off the article, with the smaller sized photos attached, in pdf. I was then asked to send the high rez photos. Yikes, I didn't have any, so I had to weave whole new rug, take new photos, and here we are. I have just loaded the photos of this rug, into the computer. Tomorrow when I have fresh eyes and mind, will choose and crop the photos I need for the article. What a stressful couple of days, and a lot of work!
I actually like this rug better for the article, it is brighter and more springlike. The other rug, is gorgeous too, but more like a tartan. I will have to get some photos of it and post it.

I just listed this rug, on my Etsy shop! It is a gorgeous little rug, greens, blues, grey and beige.


  1. Wow! Congratulations on being in Craft magazine!!! That's so awesome. I really like this new rug too :o)

  2. That is very exciting! Nervewracking I bet with deadlines, etc. What issue will the article be in?

  3. The article is supposed to be in the May issue, I hope so!
