Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oatmeal Gruel

When I was a young child my dad's mom, my grandma Eaton would come and stay for long visits. She would make this gruel for us, and it has always been a favourite of mine. I eat it most mornings for breakfast.

Oatmeal Gruel

oatmeal gruel

Equal parts quick oats, water and milk, with salt and pepper to taste.

I use 1/2 cup of each, and I use soy milk.
Combine together and cook until thickened to your liking.
I eat it out of a big mug.
Easy peasey, enjoy!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Family Day

 early morning sunrise
 fog and hoar frost

pressure ridge
Lake Superior

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Little Campbell Men

We just got home from a much needed getaway, it was nice to come back home. We got to meet Mark's great nephews. 
Little Campbell men, yay!



February 1st

otter tracks sliding into the river

Lake Superior

Terrace Bay beach